Top 5 Tips on Braces Maintenance for New Users


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Each year, thousands of people turn to braces in an effort to perfect their smiles. While braces are the easiest and fastest method for straight teeth, the process can be a bit daunting for newcomers — especially when it comes to keeping your braces in great shape.

Not to worry, though, we’re here to help! Below you’ll find five tips on braces maintenance that will keep your mouth in great shape. Make sure to keep reading!

1. Ask Your Orthodontist Questions

It’s natural to have plenty of questions or even anxieties surrounding braces, particularly if you’ve never had them before.

Remember, your Local Orthodontist is a great source of info. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions during your initial consultation or after the initial procedure.

Likewise, you can always call up your orthodontist’s office if you think of something later on.

2. Ditch the Popcorn and Gum

Eating with braces can be a challenge, to say the least. While you’ve probably heard about certain foods you can’t eat, like corn on the cob, there are some lesser-known foods you’ll want to avoid, too.

For starters, you’ll have to say goodbye to popcorn for the time being. The kernels can wedge between your teeth and the wires connecting your brackets. Not only can this damage your teeth, but it can cause the wire to pop, too.

Unfortunately, the same goes for sticky and chewy candies like gum or gummy-adjacent snacks, as they can stick to your bracket, tearing them off.

3. Invest in Orthodontic Wax

While a popped wire or torn bracket sounds painful, you can expect some general discomfort regardless. Thankfully, if you notice your brackets rubbing up against your lips, there’s an easy fix.

Talk with your orthodontist and they’ll give you some orthodontic wax. You can put this wax over the brackets to dull the sharp edges.

You can also find orthodontic wax at your local pharmacy, or wherever oral care products are sold.

4. Don’t Forget to Floss

No matter how good you are about brushing, there’s still a high likelihood that some food remnants will remain stuck in your brackets. That’s why you’ll want to make an effort to floss each time you brush.

Using a mouth irrigator like a water flosser tends to be the easiest and least painful method. However, you can also use standard waxed floss too, if you’d prefer.

5. Have Soft Foods on Hand

It’s typical for your teeth to feel sore for a few days after undergoing regular braces maintenance. Your teeth might get so sore, in fact, that you don’t feel like eating at all. However, your body needs this fuel.

To make sure your body has the energy it needs to heal, you’ll want to stock up on soft, easy-to-eat foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, and oatmeal, as well as plenty of water so you can stay hydrated.

While these foods aren’t the most flavorful, they’re soft enough that they shouldn’t bother your sensitive teeth and provide enough nutrition that you won’t feel hungry an hour later. If you need help with sensitivity, you can rid sensitive gums with this Dentist in Raleigh.

Braces Maintenance Tips to Keep You Smiling

For more tips on braces maintenance, your best bet is to contact your orthodontist. They’ll be able to provide you with more resources like waxes, balms, and more.

Remember to take it easy a few days after you get your braces. Stick to soft foods and watch for sharp edges on your brackets.

If you’re interested in learning more about keeping your smile looking great, make sure to check out the rest of our blog!

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