7 Best Ways to Keep the Flame of Your Relationship Alive


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As many might feel, keeping the spark alive in a romantic relationship is not overrated. It is an essential pillar of having a fulfilling life with your partner, a bond that satisfies your emotional, physical, and mental needs. But keeping the flame alive even after passing the exciting initial phase in a relationship requires constant efforts, something most couples tend to ignore. 

The reason could be anything from feeling too settled in a relationship, having a busy work life, or being too lazy to put in the extra effort. Still, all these things can prove to be disastrous for a relationship. 

We all change as people, so do the dynamics of our relationships. The key is to understand your partner, their needs, and how you both are growing together in your relationship to keep things fresh, warm, hot, and sexy. 

For a relationship to last, physical intimacy is the key. So, here’s how to keep a relationship alive. 

  1. Express your emotions beyond the regularĀ 

While saying ‘I love you’ is essential, I don’t think it’s enough. Everyone goes through a myriad of emotions, and your partner needs to know them. It creates emotional transparency, something that is imperative for a healthy relationship. 

Speaking the words ‘I am proud of you,’ ‘Your presence means the world to me,’ ‘You have made my life so much easier,’ etc., are also some powerful words that exhibit love and passion for your partner. This also lets them know that their value in your life goes beyond sex and romance. 

  1. Make space for the two of you.

Couples’ greatest challenge in today’s life is the lack of quality time spent together. After fulfilling professional, social and personal commitments, there is little time left to create memories. 

Your relationship is an ongoing journey that requires those moments of togetherness that you can cherish later on. Spend time doing things that make you happy. Create a window where you can sit down to talk daily. Go for walks at night, unplug from your smartphones, dedicate that time to your partner, watch movies together, play adult board games and plan day outs or short trips. These things will keep you strongly connected with your partner. 

  1. Get adventurousĀ 

Boredom in a relationship is one of the biggest reasons couples drift apart. Nobody likes a monotonous life that provides no thrill. So, bring that excitement and adventure to your relationship. And this is not limited to only going on adventure trips. 

It is also about adding some spice and excitement to your sex life. Don’t let your sex life get boring by settling for a sex routine. Keep experimenting with what you do in bed. Watch erotic movies together, indulge in role-play, find new positions and places to have sex, or add sex toys to your routine. Being adventurous in life as well as in bed is a proven way to keep the spark in a relationship. 

  1. Be the one to initiate intimacy.Ā 

Several couples fail at initiating physical intimacy in a relationship. This could be because of pent-up anger or a fear of the feelings being reciprocated. But don’t fear it. If you make the first move, sooner or later, the results will show. 

It will make your partner feel desired and wanted, something that makes a relationship go a long way. It also reminds your partner that you are still attracted to them, keeping the interest and fire alive in a relationship.

  1. Do something unexpected but romanticĀ 

There is no wrong or right time to be romantic. And romance doesn’t always mean giving presents, saying I love you or going out on a date. It could be a simple compliment to your partner, random words of appreciation, an unexpected kiss, or a love note. 

The idea is to ensure that romance doesn’t go out of the window. It also builds up anticipation for when you will be physically together in bed. The romantic surprises will make the coming together even more exciting. 

  1. Be physically in touch with each other.Ā 

Hold hands, hug, cuddle, caress, make eye contact, smile at your partner. All these are meaningful physical forms of romance and expressions of love that solidify a sense of belonging. Being physical in a relationship is essential, and it doesn’t always have to be sexual. 

  1. Have a life outside of your relationship

This might sound counterintuitive, but having a life outside of the relationship will make you want to return to your partner with a renewed zest. 

It gives you a chance to re-energize, revitalize, and reinvigorate yourself, which is essential to creating a healthy and meaningful coexistence in a relationship. 

Wrap up

So, be it spending quality time with your partner, being physically in touch with each other through romantic gestures, adding more spice to your sex life by using couple sex toys or role play, or making time for yourself, it is essential to keep working on your relationship to keep the fire alive. It not only keeps the relationship fresh and exciting but also promises a stronger, longer togetherness.Ā 

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