Describe in-depth these 5 key aspects of celebrating Eid

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Eid is a celebration in Islam that marks the end of Ramadan, an annual period of fasting, prayer, and reflection. This day commemorates Moharram, the day when Muhammad received revelations from Allah. Muslims around the world celebrate this holiday with feasts and gifts on this most lovely day and with prayers for these events to offer as praise to God or in thanks to their loved ones. Eid also marks an end to the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, a favorite time for Muslims for gatherings and celebrations. 

Describe in-depth these 5 key aspects of celebrating Eid

Below are five key aspects of celebrating Eid:

1. Fasting

The first step in Eid is to celebrate one of the five pillars of Islam, fasting. Muslims spend around 30 days of Ramadan fasting from sunrise until sunset. This time was supposed to give the Muslims a chance to cleanse themselves from the sins that they may have committed during the year. Although it can be slightly difficult for those who have no control over their physical urges, others continue to fast and do not drink or eat for this entire time. Fasting is also a way to show respect to God and the strength to turn down these worldly pleasures.

2. Praying

Muslims will gather around after tarawih, a prayer performed at night. In Islam, it is believed that the first person to be created had the biggest impact on all human life, so he was named Adam. During this prayer, Muslims will pray and ask God to provide them with strength, patience, and forgiveness for they to feel better about themselves. Praying is one of the most important things in Islam and without it, Muslims would not be able to live in peace.

3. Spending time with family and relatives

After praying and fasting, most Muslims are ready to celebrate Eid with their loved ones by spending time together. Offerings of food, gifts, and money are commonly used to show appreciation for each other. Although this is not an obligation in Islam, it is a way to make your family feel appreciated for them to respect you. This is also one of the best ways for Muslims to forgive each other for any wrongdoings and move on with their lives.

4. Decorating the home 

Decorating the home is one of the most important things that Muslims will do for Eid. They will brighten up their homes with red and green decorations and create a festive holiday feel for everyone else to enjoy. This Ramadan decor will give the family a chance to enjoy this special time of year together and show their appreciation for each other.

5. Giving to charity

Muslims celebrate Eid by giving out money and food to the less fortunate, so they to live a decent life. Muslims know that if they never give, they will never receive and it is a way for them to show their gratitude for all that God has given them.

The Eid celebration is a time to celebrate the end of fasting and praying. Although all Muslims know that there are two months of Ramadan when they must fast, this day gives them the peace of mind that they pray to God and show their appreciation for everything that God has given them. The decoration of their homes also shows their appreciation for each other as well as having a way to share this festive holiday with others. Despite the difficulty, Muslims will still be able to spend this day with those they care about and show more appreciation for each other’s support throughout the year.

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