Moving Out on Your Own for the First Time? Here’s What You Should Know


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Congratulations, you’re moving out on your own. Moving out for the first time can be overwhelming, especially if you aren’t sure what to expect. 

Before you begin frantically searching the internet for things that you should know, read on here. We’re going to provide you with a brief guide that has useful advice for moving out on your own.

By the time you’ve finished scrolling through our post, you’re going to feel more at ease and better prepared to move out.

Take Care of Your Finances

When you first move out of your parent’s house, the last thing you think about is having to move back in. This will happen if you don’t take the time to get your finances in order before you move out.

We recommend before moving out, sit down and create a spreadsheet that lists the expenses you’ll have once you’re on your own. If you’re not sure about the average costs of utility expenses, this article can provide the information you’re looking for.

Monthly expenses may include:

  • Groceries
  • Utilities
  • Phone bill
  • Rent
  • Miscellaneous activities

Knowing how much you intend to spend monthly will help you understand how much money needs to be saved to meet all of these bills. Ensure that you take care of things like bills before spending money on things that you don’t necessarily need.

If you’re not the best at saving money, it might be wise to use a money management app. These apps are designed to help you know how much money is incoming and how much you’re spending.

You can also set limits for how much you spend on specific things, and the app will alert you when you’ve gotten close to that limit or have crossed it. Understanding how to manage your money efficiently is a huge part of transitioning into adulthood.

Do the Paperwork Ahead of Time

Before you move into your new place, there are tons of things that need to be done to make a move as smooth as possible. When moving out, take the time to call your Wi-Fi provider and set up a time for them to come out and install your router.

You’ll also need to do things like updating the address on your driver’s license and updating it with the local post office. This will ensure that your mail stops being sent to your parent’s house and will begin arriving at your new home.

It’s also necessary to call the utility companies and switch the account into your name or open an account with them if necessary. When you do these things, you can guarantee that you’ll have working lights and running water the day you move in.

Make a List of What You Need

Is a queen bed too big for your bedroom? Do you have a shower curtain? Do you plan on changing the locks of your new place? Moving out on your own for the first time also means that you need to purchase things for your home.

Make a list of the items you need to purchase and plan to deliver during move-in day. You should purchase these things before you move. That way, you can pack it all in the moving truck and take everything over to your new place at one time.

We recommend creating a list for each room of your home and writing down the things you need. When you go to the store or are ordering furniture, you can shop based on the room.

This also reduces the likelihood that you’ll forget something you need.

Find a Secure Place to Live

You might be rushing to move out, but please don’t take the first thing that you see for the sake of getting your own place. Take the time to do your research and look for places that offer good prices and fantastic accommodations for those that live there.

Before looking for a place, have a budget in mind for how much you’re willing to spend and move forward from there. It also helps to think about the propriety’s location regarding how close it is to your job and other things that you like to do.

Above all else, ensure that the place you plan to live is safe by checking the area’s crime rate.

Improve Good Habits

If you’re living with a roommate, the last thing you want to do is be the one that never cleans up after themselves or has poor habits. Before moving out, take the time to improve your current habits so that you can be the best roommate possible.

Creating good habits might include:

  • Keeping your living space tidy
  • Washing your dishes
  • Managing your spending habits
  • Have a daily routine

Nobody enjoys living with someone that doesn’t take their responsibilities seriously. Not to mention failing to keep your home in a tidy condition could mean problems for you and your roommate as far as the landlord is concerned. 

Find a Job

How are you going to pay for expenses if you don’t have a job? You should’ve found a job before you did anything else. Your job is going to provide you the funds you need to move out and support yourself.

Put in applications months before you intend to move out. Doing this will ensure you’ve got a steady income flow before taking the next step and moving into your own place.

Ask for Help

Part of being an adult is knowing when to ask for help. If you’re struggling with some part of the moving out process, ask your parents for help.

Your parents have likely done this before and know what it takes to move out. They will be able to offer you useful and advice and tips to make things easier for you.

Moving Out On Your Own: Things to Know

Moving out on your own is something that you’ve got to prepare for. It’s helpful to ask your parents for advice about living on your own and start looking for a job now.

If you thought this information was useful, check out some of the other posts that we’ve created in this section.

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