Substituting one addiction for another is never going to help


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Encountering various types of triggers that compel an individual to succumb to the temptations of drugs and substance addiction is a common phenomenon. A suboxone doctor Pawtucket claims that whatever be the triggers, taking up the responsibility of treatment through self-medication is ill-advised. The rampant practice of addiction replacement is a clear indication that addiction is not just another bad habit, but a disease, according to suboxone treatment centers Pawtucket.

What is addiction substitution?

The doctors providing treatment for suboxone addiction Pawtucket say that addiction substitution is commonly known as addiction replacement of transfer addiction. It is a practice in which an individual in recovery or undergoing treatment for suboxone addiction replaces one substance with another. The suboxone doctors near me believe that transfer addiction occurs due to the current emotional or psychological needs that initiated addiction and are now compelling to switch habits.

The doctors at suboxone treatment centers near me point out substantial research-backed evidence that individuals with mental health disorders are more likely to develop addictions. The medical experts at these suboxone treatment centers also claim that long-term recovery is possible when the specific psychological and emotional needs that trigger addiction behavior are addressed, rather than focusing on a particular drug or substance.

Suboxone treatment centers Pawtucket explain the possibility of being addicted to more than one thing at a time:

The doctors providing sublocade near me find it common for people to encounter a risk of developing addiction over a new drug or substance while already suffering from another substance addiction. Since one habit often leads to another, the doctors providing sublocade treatment also warn us to be wary of multiple addiction syndrome.

The doctors providing treatment for suboxone addiction Pawtucket explains the reason for multiple addictions. After chronic substance abuse, an individual might reach a specific point where he is unable to derive the same pleasure or rewarding feeling that he once derived from the same addiction. It compels him to graduate to another activity or substance to obtain a similar amount of comfort. A suboxone treatment doctor Pawtucket also claims that a staggering amount of recovering addicts encounter impulse control, eating disorder, anxiety, depression, and gambling during early recovery.

The brain morphology that directs transfer addiction and multiple addictions:

The doctors and medical staff at suboxone treatment centers Pawtucket claim that substantial research has found that the brain has a key role to play in addictive behaviors. The neurotransmitter dopamine is linked with the rewarding or the pleasurable effect that you encounter. Pleasurable experiences cause a massive burst of dopamine released from the brain. The suboxone doctors near me claim that the intake of drugs and substances releases a considerable amount of dopamine. It will become a particularly problematic phenomenon when the body stops releasing dopamine naturally without medications and substance intake. The doctors at suboxone treatment centers Pawtucket believe that this can be a significant cause of addiction replacement and multiple addictions.

What are the common substitute addictions?

The doctors and medical professionals, providing treatment for suboxone addiction Pawtucket, claim that an individual may develop a substitution addiction to fill up an emotional or psychological emptiness. Your treatment for suboxone addiction and the recovery procedures should address your desires to escape a negative mindset; it will lead you to develop a substitute addiction.

The doctors at suboxone treatment centers Pawtucket believe that the need to alleviate pain, anxiety, and stress creates replacement addiction. The most prevalent substitute addictions are as follows.

  • Sex and relationship addiction
  • Shopping addiction
  • Addiction to work
  • Food addiction
  • Addiction to gambling
  • Internet or digital addiction
  • Benzodiazepine addiction
  • Nicotine addiction

What is the best way for preventing and treating replacement addiction?

Suboxone treatment centers Pawtucket believes that there are ways to prevent and treat replacement and multiple addictions successfully. A team of medical professionals and experts providing sublocade near me will help you identify the behavior which causes you to substitute a particular drug with another toxic activity or substance.

Counselors working closely with suboxone treatment centers will help you identify your triggers and addictive thought patterns, which would help prevent replacement addictions from developing. The medical experts and doctors providing treatment for suboxone addiction Pawtucket believe that proper counsel and support will help you break the vicious chain of switching addictions.

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