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Gone are the days when sex only happened when you were in the same room with your partner. The dynamics of what constitutes sex have morphed over time, and having sex from a distance/cybersex is just as normal as any sexual interaction. Sex over a distance is now very common as the boundaries of work continue to shift, and more people are embracing digital nomadism. 

People are finding ways to stay sexually connected and active with their partners or sex service providers. Similarly, Innovations like sex toys and teledildonics make sex over a distance much more pleasurable. Despite all this, many people still consider cybersex a form of activity to pass the time before “real sex”. But there are many benefits and ways to have virtual sex, which we will explore in this post. 

Benefits of Having Virtual Sex

  1. Helps You Get Comfortable With Your Partner 

Virtual sex helps you get comfortable with your partner, especially if you get to know them. You can approach intimacy slowly and at your own pace. With virtual sex, you can always tease your partner into sex, and both ease into intimacy with each other.

  1. Prevents Sexual Frustration 

Sex over a distance helps to prevent the frustration of not having sexual intercourse or any sexual activity for a long time. Virtual sex is an easy and fast way to relieve any sexual urges. 

  1. Keeps You Connected 

Virtual sex also connects you to your partner. Sexual intimacy is a vital part of a relationship, and virtual sex keeps you connected to your partner regardless of distance. 

  1. Takes Boredom Out of Sex 

Sex between couples can quickly get boring. The good thing is that sex over a distance is a way to bring variety into sex. You can try many positions online, and you can even introduce toys into the mix. 

  1. Allows for Different Forms of Sexual Expression 

Virtual sex allows people to express their sexuality as freely as possible. Sex over a distance is a safer way to express sexual fantasies, fetishes, and kinks. 

  1. Sexual Pleasure and Intimacy 

Unlike the widespread perception that virtual sex doesn’t lead to orgasm and doesn’t give as much pleasure as biological sex, virtual sex can be as exciting and pleasurable as regular sex. You can enjoy the same satisfaction and intimacy or even more if done right. 

  1. Helps You Get to Know Your Body 

Getting to know your body is an important part of your sexual life. You cannot enjoy sex solo or with a partner if you do not know your body. Sex over a distance can allow you to get to know your sexual self, and you can even do this with a girl cam

How to Have Sex Over the Distance

To tap into the benefits of virtual sex already discussed, you must ensure that you are doing the sex right. Sex over a distance, like any sexual encounter, must be adequately planned, and you should make it memorable for you and your partner. 

For anyone who is trying to have sex virtually, the first step you have to take must be to select the right platforms for your encounter. Sex over a distance can be either through texts, audio, and video. Depending on what you’re trying to do and the stage you are at with your partner, you can choose a platform like Skype or FaceTime. If you do not have a partner, there are platforms where you can get a girl cam to have sex with you. 

Other things to get set for sexual interaction online are your toys and lubricants. Remember that sex over distance means you would be using your hands, and much self-stimulation will continue. Hence, you must ensure that you have toys to use to increase stimulation and lubricants to make it feel as smooth and real as possible. 

Lastly, make sure you communicate properly. Communication is very necessary. Unlike physical sex, where your partner can quickly assess your verbal and non-verbal clues, virtual sex relies on you saying what you need and what you want from the person on the other end. 

Sex over a distance will only be interesting when you make it so. Thankfully, there would be no one to blame but yourself. 

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